<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Beetroot, Berries & Blackcurrant Supplements",<br />"description":"Packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants that give them their vibrant hue, Superfood Reds are a convenient and nutritious way to support a healthy diet. Our carefully curated range of Superfood Reds are 100% natural and free from harmful chemicals.",</p>
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<p>Superfood reds are nutrient-dense, containing high levels of nutrients in their natural forms. They’re also bioavailable, which means our bodies are easily able to recognise and absorb these nutrients as they naturally occur in our food.</p>
<p>Available on their own or as a blend, our Superfood Reds category contains a range of highly nutritious ingredients including: Beetroot, Goji berries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Bilberries, Blackcurrants, Blackberries, Acai berries, Pomegranate, Camu camu, Maqui berries, Elderberries, and Rosehips. We also have <a href="">Smoothie Blends</a> which include reds plus other superfoods ingredients like greens and <a href="">Protein Powder.</a></p>
<p>Red superfoods, including vital reds and berry supplements contain:</p>
<li>Dietary Fibre</li>
<li>Vitamin A</li>
<li>Vitamin B6 </li>
<li>Folic Acid</li>
<li>Vitamin C</li>
<p>Red superfood powders versatility makes them easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply add to meals and smoothies, sprinkle on yoghurt or your breakfast cereal. Superfood reds can even be used as an all-natural food colouring. Loaded with anthocyanins (plant-derived antioxidants that give natural red, blue and purple hues), these vibrant pigments are a healthy alternative to artificial food colours. Superfood Greens can be used in the same way as a natural green food colouring.</p>
<p>Superfood Reds contain high levels of plant antioxidants, including:</p>
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