<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kelp",<br />"description":"Now you can flavour your food and add essential minerals at the same time. Kelp seaweed contains over 70 minerals and trace elements and is famed for its iodine content. Kelp powder is a healthy salt alternative as it offers a salty taste but less sodium. Our NZ kelp is sustainably sourced, making it a better choice for you and the planet.",</p>
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<p>Kelp is the name of a large family of seaweeds, they grow in huge underwater forests. Our kelp seasoning is made from kelp grown in the pure, pristine waters of coastal New Zealand.</p>
<p>Kelp forests are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth as they grow super-fast – up to half a metre a day. In New Zealand, our kelp forests are protected, which means that no kelp can be cut from the wild. It is collected by hand when it naturally detaches from the kelp forests during storms. This makes kelp a sustainable choice.</p>
<p>Kelp naturally absorbs vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential enzymes from the seawater as it grows, so it is a nutrient-dense superfood rich in:</p>
<li>Amino acids</li>
<p>Use kelp seasoning to add depth of flavour to savoury foods like broths, stews, stir fries, soups and meats or sprinkle cold onto salads and noodles. Kelp powder can be used as a wholefood nutrient boost for smoothies and healthy baking recipes too.</p>
<p>If you have a diagnosed thyroid disorder, it’s important to talk to your health practitioner before consuming kelp because of the iodine content.</p>
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