<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Stevia Sweetener",</p>
<p>"description":"Looking for a natural, plant-derived sweetener with no carbs or sugar? Stevia is naturally extracted from the Stevia rebaudiana plant and suitable for the whole family. It ticks all the boxes - it’s keto and diabetic friendly, it offers natural sweetness without calories, it’s perfect for low carb diets.",</p>
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<p>"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Our Stevia sugar substitutes have a sweet, honey like taste and can be used in any food or drink. Stevia is thermostable, so it’s great for both hot and cold foods. Whether you’re making healthy desserts, drinks, or <a href="">natural baking</a> – it’s super versatile and easy.</p>
<p>Stevia has been used by South Americans for 1,500 years. Natural steviol glycosides, the active constituents provide a sweet taste with no energy value, so you get the benefit of sweetness without the carbs. It’s better for dental health and has no effect on blood sugar levels, so it’s suitable for diabetics too.</p>
<p>Its sweetness level is 250 times greater than sugar, so when you start out it’s best used sparingly. The easiest method is to add less initially, do a taste test then add more if needed.</p>
<p>Prefer Stevia as a powder? We’ve also got Stevia blended with other natural sweeteners, including Xylitol and Erythritol, you’ll find them in our <a href="">Syrups & Sweetener Blends</a> section.</p>
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