<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Chlorophyll",<br />"description":"Chlorophyll is taken to support a healthy bowel environment, healthy liver function, normal body alkalinity and healthy heavy metal elimination. Greens like Spirulina, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and Chlorella are packed with high levels of chlorophyll - as you can tell by their vivid colour!",</p>
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<p>Chlorophyll is what gives plants their stunning green colour; plants use it to convert sunlight into energy as part of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll has a central magnesium atom in its structure, making it an excellent source of this essential mineral.</p>
<h3>Why take a Chlorophyll Supplement?</h3>
<p>Factors such as consuming processed food that has lost its nutritional value, being exposed to cigarette smoke, excessive alcohol use and prolonged stress can inhibit the body’s ability to absorb vital compounds from food, which may lead to nutritional deficiencies and less than optimal body function.</p>
<p>Read our article on how <a href="">Super Greens Just Got Super Convenient</a> to learn about ways of incorporating Chlorophyll into your routine.</p>
<p>Our nutritionist, Lena Fischer has created this refreshing Chlorophyll Cleansing Spritzer recipe.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Chlorophyll for Health</h3>
<p>Chlorophyll is used as a <a href="">natural detoxification support</a> supplement as it helps support a healthy internal bowel environment for healthy elimination. Anecdotally chlorophyll is said to help keep bowel odours at normal healthy levels, and the fact that chlorophyll supports a healthy bowel environment aligns with this theory. For extra liver support, consider a <a href="">Milk Thistle</a> supplement alongside your Chlorophyll.</p>
<p>Available as chlorophyll liquid or in capsule form, chlorophyll supports the body's normal process of heavy metal detoxification. What’s more, liquid chlorophyll and capsules have been shown to support immune health and white blood cells for rapid <a href="">immune support</a>. It also helps maintain a healthy pH in the body and supports alkalinity.</p>
<h3>Wholefood Sources of Chlorophyll</h3>
<p>Greens such as <a href="">Spirulina</a>, <a href="">Chlorella</a>, <a href="">Barley Grass</a> or <a href="">Wheat Grass</a> are excellent wholefood sources of chlorophyll and another healthy way to take a chlorophyll supplement. They offer additional nutrients too, including fibre, which further supports healthy detoxification and elimination via the bowel.</p>
<p>Chlorophyll products are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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