Lip Balm
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Lip Balm",<br />"description":"If you love natural beauty products, then be sure to protect your lips with an all-natural lip balm. Natural lip balms contain pure ingredients from plants or bees, without the synthetic ingredients that conventional lip balms may use.",</p>
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<p>Having dry, peeling lips is not fun and can be caused by a number of factors such as extreme dry or cold weather, office air conditioning and not having enough fluids. Our lips are pretty unique to the rest of our skin and need extra attention like the <a href="">skin around our eyes</a>, as they don’t normally secrete the oils that waterproof and moisturise.</p>
<p>So to maintain soft lips, utilising the healing properties of plant oils and plant butters as well as bee products like beeswax and honey that protect and seal in moisture, can keep your lips happy and healthy. Using a SPF lip balm adds extra protection if you’re planning to be out in the sunshine.</p>
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