Kids Sleep & Calm
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kids Sleep & Calm",<br />"description":"<span class="TextRun SCXW66319315 BCX8" lang="EN-NZ" xml:lang="EN-NZ" data-contrast="auto">Support relaxation, and restful sleep with our range of supplements and products that include nutrients like magnesium, herbal extracts, essential oils, sleep drops, gummies, and creams. Give your little one a hand to unwind and sleep, with options to settle the nerves and the tummy.</span>",</p>
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<p>Children need plenty of restful sleep for healthy growth and development.</p>
<p>Kid’s sleep can be hindered by:</p>
<li>Unsettled tummy</li>
<li>Changes in routines with daylight savings</li>
<li>Worries or overexcitement</li>
<li>Frayed nerves or overtiredness</li>
<li>During ills and chills season</li>
<p>For more info read more about the <a href="" target="_blank">Importance of sleep in kids.</a></p>
<h3>Support Kids Sleep</h3>
<p>Supporting a good night’s sleep is in your reach with our wide range of options. Try a herbal tonic to support sleepiness or magnesium to support muscle relaxation (especially for active kids). The other ways you can support sleep with supplements and products include:</p>
<li>A grumbly tummy and wind can lead to some trouble with sleep, look for a herbal mixture containing Chamomile or Lemon Balm to settle the tummy, and support rest.</li>
<li>When feeling a bit under the weather, a chest balm or cream containing essential oils is great for clear airways during ills and chills.</li>
<li>Herbal extracts and tonics can relax the airways, supporting sleep when they are feeling a bit chesty.</li>
<p>You can support their sleep by having a regular sleep schedule and incorporating some practices to support calm and relaxation as they near their bedtime. See our <a href="" target="_blank">7 easy tips to help your child sleep</a>.</p>
<h3>Support Kids Calm</h3>
<p>Support frayed nerves, and calm with herbal tonics, magnesium, tissue salts, and essential oils. See our range of <a href="">Kids Daily Wellness</a> for multivitamins, and the <a href="">Kids Learning & Development</a> range for supplements to support brain health and growing bodies.</p>
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