Bowel Motion Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Bowel Motion Support",<br />"description":"What goes in, must come out. But if that’s not always easy, you may need a little natural assistance. The bowel is the body’s waste disposal system, so regular bowel motions are important for health. From herbs and fibre to probiotics and minerals, our natural bowel support supplements support healthy, regular bowel motions.",</p>
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<p>Passing a bowel movement easily and comfortably is a sign of good bowel health. But if your trips to the toilet are infrequent, uncomfortable, or strained, you might need a little support moving things along.<a href="" target="_blank"> What’s your gut telling you? 4 signs of a healthy gut.</a></p>
<h3>Top tips for bowel movements</h3>
<li>Vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are fantastic for regulating your bowel.</li>
<li>Watch your starchy and stodgy foods, as these can contribute to sluggishness – especially when not eaten alongside vegetables.</li>
<li>Stay hydrated for softer number 2’s. Whilst a coffee can bring on the urge in the morning, it does lead to dehydration so make sure you are drinking water too.</li>
<li>Oats in a smoothie or made into a warming porridge can make a difference to your bowel movement the next day.</li>
<li>Roughage like salad greens, celery, and silver beet can provide some support to get things moving along.</li>
<h3>Bowel support supplements</h3>
<li>Probiotic formulas can be very useful as they support healthy gut flora as well as bowel regularity.</li>
<li>Marshmallow, Ginger and Liquorice are calming for a healthy bowel lining. See our <a href="">Digestive Calm & Soothe</a> range for more calming supplements for your tummy.</li>
<li>Slippery elm supports the ease of bowel movements.</li>
<h3>Add fibre for better bowel movements</h3>
<p>Fibre is important for healthy detoxification as it soaks up toxins so they can be removed from the body. Eating a high-fibre diet loaded with fruits, legumes, and vegetables and drinking at least eight glasses of water a day all help to keep stool soft and your bowel in good health.</p>
<p>Additional fibre-based bowel health supplements like Psyllium husk and Flaxseed help to keep the bowel contents moving and support healthy evacuation. To support detoxification try a <a href="">Detox & Body Cleanse.</a></p>
<h3>Natural laxatives</h3>
<p>If you need a little extra support, try a natural supplement that can support gentle and efficient bowel movements:</p>
<li>Herbal preparations including Cascara and Yellow dock support healthy evacuation</li>
<li>Magnesium based products support regular bowel movements – take before bed for a healthy bowel movement in the morning</li>
<h3>The best supplements for gut health</h3>
<p>We have a wide range to support a healthy and happy gut, they come in variety of forms, including powders, capsules, tablets, pills, and liquids. Give your gut some love with some <a href="">Digestive Immune Support.</a></p>
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