Blood Pressure Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Blood Pressure Support",<br />"description":"Looking for natural ways to support healthy blood pressure? From antioxidants and minerals to herbs and omega-3s, our experts have carefully selected the best natural supplements for supporting healthy blood pressure. Balanced blood pressure keeps our blood delivering life-giving oxygen to the entire body.",</p>
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<p>Our blood vessels are surrounded by rings of muscle which tighten to increase blood pressure and loosen to lower it. They tighten and loosen in response to instructions sent by other organs. The kidneys also play a role in blood pressure via balancing the amount of fluids in the blood.</p>
<h3>Supplements to support healthy blood pressure</h3>
<li>Magnesium supports healthy blood vessel tone to support healthy relaxation of the muscles that surround blood vessels.</li>
<li>CoQ10 supports a healthy cardiovascular system and blood vessel health.</li>
<li>Omega-3 Fish Oil supports the healthy condition of blood vessels.</li>
<li>Hawthorn extract supports healthy blood vessel tone and heart health.</li>
<li>Olive Leaf supports healthy blood vessels and blood pressure.</li>
<h3>Healthy blood pressure diet</h3>
<li>Eat a rainbow of vegetables – vitamins and antioxidants support healthy blood vessels.</li>
<li>Limit salt intake if consuming a conventional diet – this supports fluid balance.</li>
<li>Limit sugary foods – blood sugar levels and blood pressure are linked.</li>
<li>Include oily fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados - for heart healthy fats.</li>
<li>Regular exercise, moderating caffeine intake and good stress management can all help too.</li>
<p>See our extensive article on <a href="" target="_blank">How to have a healthy heart.</a></p>
<h3>Supplements for heart health</h3>
<p>Our full range of heart health supplements include <a href="">Cholesterol Support,</a> <a href="">Circulation Support,</a> and <a href="">Heart Health Support.</a></p>
<p>Already taking blood pressure medication and looking to take a supplement? It’s important to check for potential interactions so speak to your health professional.</p>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support your <a href="">Heart Health</a>. These come in many forms, to suit any preference. See our extensive <a href="">Health Concerns</a> resources for helpful tips to support your health and wellbeing journey.</p>
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