<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Healthy Chocolate",<br />"description":"A sweet treat that’s 100% natural - yes please! From creamy milk chocolate to super dark 90% cacao for the intensely bittersweet fans among us, we have delicious chocolate bars to suit all tastes. Whether you prefer something exotic or the more traditional flavours, you’re in the right place for a well-deserved sweet treat…yum!",</p>
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<p>Containing over 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries, cacao really is a super food! Unlike regular cocoa, which has been roasted and processed, cacao is raw and un-processed, so retains more of its nutritional value.</p>
<p>Sweetened with organic cane sugar and natural sugar alternatives such as coconut nectar and agave, our organic chocolate bars are a great alternative to regular chocolate bars that are often laden with regular sugar. Using only the best ingredients loaded with antioxidants, and with gluten free, refined sugar free, and dairy-free options, there are many great reasons to reach for a tasty bar of all-natural chocolate.</p>
<p>There’s a range of natural flavours to suit any palate or preference, including:</p>
<li>Salted caramel</li>
<li>Sea salt</li>
<li>Turkish delight</li>
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