Face Mask
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Face Mask",<br />"description":"Natural face masks and treatments may soon become a favourite part of your natural skin care regime. Natural face masks are fun to use and easily applied for a deep cleansing that extracts impurities and removes excess oil. A regular natural face mask or facial treatment could improve the overall appearance and condition of your skin. Take a look at our selection of natural face masks and treatments below.",</p>
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<p>Facemasks and serums are generally used to assist in nourishing, brightening, tightening or cleansing skin, and provide the perfect base on which to apply other products. When used on a regular basis, they can become a wonderful relaxation ritual, giving an excuse to take time out from your busy schedule to really take care of your skin’s needs. Facemasks are generally targeted at helping a variety of skincare needs, from deep cleansing or moisturising through to detoxifying and revitalising.</p>
<p>Serums and other treatments can help optimize other products by deeply nourishing skin, firming, soothing and supporting its repair and appearance.</p>
<p>Natural skincare products are rich in antioxidants, botanical extracts and nourishing face oils to assist in replenishing skin and leaving you feeling relaxed and pampered.</p>
<h3>Face Mask Benefits</h3>
<p>Treating your skin to a face mask can help improve the effectiveness of your other skin care products. Cleansers, toners and <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/face-moisturiser/">moisturisers</a> can perform better with a <em>“clean canvas”</em> to work on. As well as being a relaxing ritual, a hydrating face mask may leave your skin feeling firm and fresh.</p>
<p>Using a skin treatment could help with tightening and brightening the overall appearance of your complexion. You could leave the treatment on overnight for a soft, healthy glow in the morning.</p>
<p>You can also complete your beauty routine by using a <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/toner/">natural toner</a> and natural moisturiser.</p>
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